Sunday, July 29, 2012

Diari hidup seorang 'student teacher' -part 6

sebelum class.
saya buat phone silent..

sejam lepas tu..

2 missed calls.


she's trying to reach maryam. but maryam, gave Dr. the wrong number.[a mistake]
so Dr called all 3 of us. but unfortunately.. semua buat silent...

berdebarr lee..
tomorrow, if she's going to come and observes me,,
its going to be 3IA.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

my way

i didnt talk much about my problem..
the feeling.

so when i writes here or anywhere.. its just my own way to relieve the tension and the stress.

its okay for you to ask, cause i know, the tension in the head, it goes through the face then the act...and obviously you can see it. It is the urge to know... but note this...i might not give you any answer... i will not tell if there is no need for me to do it.
not important for other, you cant solve it,no need for you to know.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


malam ni party kat bilik, makan durian.hua3.. 4 biji yang sungguh bermakna.  :)
k.Sah (ustazah sekolah yang hantar xdi)

p/s: minggu ni asyik makan buah jee.. haha.
semalam mama baba hantar buah mache [kuini'] , mintak sebijik ngan budak buah seto [ setui]
nti nk mintak p.ipin kaitkan buah mangga kat sekolah..wakakaka..
nak panjat sendiri @ suh budak2 panjat macam teruk sgt pulak..hua3...

semalam, kesian kawan2 minum teh o perisa ubat gegat.. huuhuhuhu.mlm ni xde air dh kt bilik.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Diari hidup seorang 'student teacher' -part 5

Guru besar saya sangat baik. 
rasa segan dengan dia.
sanggup tolong kami fotostat and cari bahan untuk letak dalam report.

jap lagi berlatih aerobik . dpn p.hase. 
this Tuesday.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


aktiviti waktu lapang/bosan.
saja-saja gatal tangan..
ok, x, kawan-kawan saya memang suka kaler2..

p/s: maryam punya xhntr lgi.haha

ok everyone, ni gambar pantai kat tok jembal, sekarang kalau pergi tok jembal rase sedih je, mungkin sebab dah 'membesar' kat sini, tengok pantai  tiap2 minggu bila pantai kena tambak, ada rasa kurang kat something. tak tahu kenapa.