Friday, January 21, 2011

again..its life..

Have you ever feel like..nothing? 

Korang pernah tak..rase cam putus asa giler2  atas something ..rase cam tak mampu dah nak buat? Nak hadapi..tapi kenapa masih terbeban dengan benda tuh…kenapa ye..?
sebab ni ujian untuk kita.. and sebenarnya… Allah tak bebankan hambanya dengan sesuatu yang kita tak mampu… Nafsu yang kata tak boleh..nak lawan nafsu ni..susah..sebab benda ni  ada dalam diri kita sendiri..its part of us..
dan.. tetapkanlah keyakinan..kita mampu sebenarnya..sangat mampu!
there's must there must be a way..(think..!)

If you feel like so..
Everything…the obstacles..challenges…or whatever we may call it..  that happen to us..there is this thing in our soul..and body..that can defeat it..that can face it..the desire to win over our own and gain our pleasure..but.yea...we cant always the circle …ups and life need to go on..face it..

I hate it..but..yeah…its life..right.


Kapten..penuntut sebuah university terkemuka..(hoho)..tinggal di Blok paling  ‘femes’  Blok N… blok ni…dekat dengan blok lelaki.…  kat sebelah je blok laki.. n café baru hanya didepan sahaja..  kat blok ni.. takde felo hostel… yang hebatnya…Blok N ni..didiami oleh Felo akademik.. kadang2 dia boleh bertukar jadi foyer…tapi dengar cerita… Felo dah turun pangkat jadi mak guard… tapi taw la betul tak..hanya ura-ura semata-mata kot..  Ape lagi yang best tentang Blok N?  kat sini tempat mayat2 hidup.. ha2…  Tingkat 2 bilik mayatnye..Tingkat 3 tempat mandikan mayat..tingkat 1 tempat kapankan mayat..tngkat lain entah wtpa..heheheh..  apa lagi yang best tentang blok N?? 

Post kat bawah ini bersifat fakta. tiada tipu2 or kelentong okay.


 dragon ball ada 7 biji semuanya..he he he

Takdi..Just Now…recently..(sebenarnya..hampir tiap malam tgk movie..and yes! saya tak wat keje sekolah)
Kapten g tengok movie..citer damping malam.. ahaa..
Citer sepatutnya..tapi pelakonnye spoil kan citer betoi..
n..kami2 tengok movie kat pawagam blok N..kat tingkat 2…
kat sana..takde jual makanan..kena bawak makanan sendiri..n kalau nasib baik(biasanya) akan diberi makanan percuma..wahahah..cayaaalah.

Post ini agak senget…harap maaf…malam ni ase senget sikit.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Do you like noise? loud?

" Why are we embarrassed by silence..??  what comfort do we find in all the noise..??

Well, that is the quote that i took from " Tuesday with Morrie " by Mitch Albom..( didnt finish reading it yet but i found the book will be interesting *just by seeing the title* )

Effect of silence on Human Relations..

what is my opinion..?

In my opinion, its depends in what situation we are dealing about . For some times, noise could be disturbing. A very disturbing one. While in the other times silence make me feel awkward.

so, its your turn now...what is your opinion..?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

malas ?

kalau malas.jangan dilayan..tapi ni dah terlayan..hahaha..malas giler sejak dua, 3, 4, 5 menjak nih...............huhuhuhu

malas wat esaiment( buat jugak,slow2).malas g kelas( g jugak).malas segala-galanyalah..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why study literature?

This topic came up while doing the task. (actually, its a task's name)   

i'm googling the answers and here is the list that i'd really love.. credit from huntress, a lecturer from one of the college in this world.  .click here

1. To benefit from the insight of others. The body of world literature contains most available knowledge about humanity--our beliefs, our self-perception, our philosophies, our assumptions and our interactions with the world at large. Some of life's most important lessons are subtly expressed in our art. We learn these lessons only if we pause to think about what we read. Why would anyone bury important ideas? Because some ideas cannot be expressed adequately in simple language, and because the lessons we have to work for are the ones that stick with us.

2. To open our minds to ambiguities of meaning. While people will "say what they mean and mean what they say" in an ideal world, language in our world is, in reality, maddeningly and delightfully ambiguous. If you go through life expecting people to play by your rules, you'll only be miserable, angry and disappointed. You won't change them. Ambiguity, double entendres and nuance give our language depth and endless possibility. Learn it. Appreciate it. Revel in it.

3. To explore other cultures and beliefs. History, anthropology and religious studies provide a method of learning about the cultures and beliefs of others from the outside looking in. Literature, on the other hand, allows you to experience the cultures and beliefs of others first-hand, from the inside looking out. The only other way to have such a personal understanding of others' beliefs are to adopt them yourself--which most of us aren't willing to do. If you understand where other people are coming from, you are better equipped to communicate meaningfully with them--and they with you. 

4. To appreciate why individuals are the way they are. Each person we meet represents a unique concoction of knowledge, beliefs, and experiences. In our own culture we find an infinite variety of attitudes and personalities, hatreds and bigotries, and assumptions. With each exposure to those who differ from us, we expand our minds. We may still reject their beliefs and assumptions, but we're one step closer to understanding them.

5. To expand our grasp of the machinations of history. History and literature are inextricably entertwined. History is not just names and dates and politics and wars and power. History is about people who were products of their time with their own intricately-woven value systems. Study of literature enhances our appreciation of history's complexity, which in turn expands our appreciation of present political complexities and better equips us to predict and prepare for the future.

6. To exercise our brains. Our brains need exercise just like our bodies do. Don't balk at picking up the barbell and doing a few mental curls. Great literature has hidden meanings that won't slap us in the face like childrens' books will; we'll have to dig and analyze like an adult to find the gold.

7. To teach us to see individual bias. In a sense, each of us is an unreliable or naive narrator, but most of us mindlessly accept the stories of certain friends or family without qualification. We should remember that they are centers of their own universes, though, just like we are. They are first-person narrators--not omniscient--just like we are. The only thing that suffers when we appreciate individual bias is our own gullibility. 

8. To encourage us to question "accepted" knowledge. As children, most of us were taught to believe what we're told and those basic hypotheses provide our schemas, or building blocks of knowledge. As we grow, we learn to question some ideas while rejecting the offensively alien ideas outright, often without real examination. However, human progress often results from the rejection of assumed "facts." The difficulty lies in spotting our own unexamined assumptions. The more ideas we expose yourself to, the more of our own assumptions we can root out to question and either discard or ground our lives in.

9. To help us see ourselves as others do. Literature is a tool of self-examination. You will see your own personality or habits or assumptions in literature. The experience may even be painful. While our ego defense systems help us avoid self-scrutiny and ignore others' observations or reactions to us, literature serves as a mirror, revealing us to ourselves in all our naked, undefended glory.

10. To appreciate the contributions literature has made to history. The pen is mightier than the sword, yes? When a country undergoes regime change, the new regime imprisons, exiles or executes the intelligentsia--scholars and philosophers--who are seen as the keepers of the culture, creators of ideology, and instigators of revolt. See Russian, Chinese, and German history for examples. In American history, see the copious examples of pro- and anti-slavery literature as well as Thomas Paine's and Thomas Jefferson's contributions to the American Revolution.

11. To see the tragedy. Lenin said "A million deaths are a statistic, but one death is a tragedy." History gives you the statistics. Literature shows you the human tragedy.

12. To further our mastery of language. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words build and destroy nations. Study of literature hones our language skills and teaches us new and valuable techniques for communication. A master of language can seduce your emotions and inspire you to follow him into death--or he can crush your will with a word. Language is the single most important tool of leadership and great leaders embrace its study.

13. To recognize language devices and appreciate their emotional power. Like good music, poetry uses wordplay, rhythm, and sounds to lull the reader into an emotional fog, and therein deliver its message. Great leaders learn to harness these techniques of communication and persuasion. Listen closely to effective advertisements and politicians and lawyers. Listen to the pleasing rhythm and wordplay of their mantras, and watch the sheep blithely flock to them: "It does not fit--you must aquit!" "Crisp and clean and no caffeine!" Politicians use prolific parallelism: "We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail."

14. To explore ethical complexities. Only children find ethical rules cut and dried. Literature forces readers to challenge their simplistic ethical conceptions and sometimes their outright condemnation of others' actions. For example, we believe lying is wrong. But what do we mean? Do we never lie? Have you ever met a person rude enough to follow this rule implicitly? Be advised, though: ethical exploration is a mature endeavor; it is not for the thin-skinned.

15. To see the admirable in everyday life. We are surrounded by unsung nobility and sacrifice. Once we learn to see it in the actions of common folk, our lives will be forever richer, as will our faith in humanity itself.

16. To learn better ways to behave. An untold amount of our opinions and words and reactions are absorbed during childhood and from our culture. Literature teaches us better courses of action and more effective responses to situations...if we let it.

17. To know we aren't alone. Others have been where we are, have felt as we feel, have believed as we believe. Paradoxically, we are unique just like everyone else. But we aren't alone. Others were here and they survived...and may have even learned from it--and so may we.

18. To refine our judgment. This involves several aspects of reading: exposure to new ideas and new ways of looking at old assumptions, expanded vocabulary and understanding, and improved ability to write. Altogether, these benefits refine our ability to think, and thus guide us toward informed, mature judgment.

19. To learn to support our points of view and trust our own interpretations. We provide evidence for our interpretation of a story or poem when we explicate it. When we build a solid case in support of our opinion, we build self-confidence in our own interpretations of language itself.

20. To develop empathy for those who are unlike us. Literature can train and exercise our ability to weep for those who are not us or ours. As children, our circles of concern stop with ourselves. As we grow, we expand those circles to our families and friends, and perhaps to our neighborhoods, towns, cities, states or countries. Our study of literature continues to expand that realm of concern beyond the things we physically experience.

21. To expand our vocabularies. New words are tools for grasping new ideas. Each new idea is a building block upon which we may acquire more knowledge. Knowledge is power. 

22. To improve our writing skills. We didn't perfect our writing skills in grade school or high school. Many people have failed to grasp the basics by 18. We learn to speak by listening and imitating; we learn to write by reading and imitating.

23. To learn to use our language well. In order to do this, we must immerse ourselves in it. Since most college graduates tend to use words a fifth-grader can understand when speaking, simply speaking the language is insufficient for continued improvement. Literature, however, presents at infinite variety of ideas, words and expressions.

24. To improve our reading comprehension. Most people stop improving their reading comprehension in high school, if not before. Improvement in this area pays obvious dividends throughout our professional careers. We improve by reading and analyzing what we read. 

read more here  

the answers which i really love are from number 1,2,4,9,12...

and answer number 13 is one of the most beautiful answer from the list..TQ

have fun learning everyone.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

On a day like yesterday

"Mereka datang singgap mencurahkan ilmu. Kita yang dapat ilmu dari mereka, kekalkan dalam hati, sambil curahkan kepad insan lain. Sebagai tanda, kita rindu kepada cara mereka mengajar."  di edit
  tanpa mengubah maksud asal sedikit pun.

Statement diatas ialah response kepada statement saya  "saya rindukan cikgu2 smp dan lecturer2 sem lepas"

takda ape2 nak kata ...
Cuma bila dapat kol and jumpa. Rase HAPPY.

ye. saya rindukan mereka.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beware.Future ahead.

our future.just ahead.

tonite,, i would to share with you guys something that make me actually think...

so,, today..this early morning.. we have an arabic class . The instructor is still young and fun i guess :)  
what i would like to write and let you guys read and also give some opinion actually ( hee---macamla ada)  
is one of the thing that our instructor mention this morning . He said  " even though we got a super GREAT result, it is only just for a or some trip to the interview.. ."  he said that to make us qualified for the job, what we need is the soft skills 
called communication.. You maybe will be kick out in the middle of the interview if you lack of this skill.
well,,in anyway, the communication is important .Seriously important. or should i say..terribly ?
Before we go further and more deeper,this is the question, what is communication? and what did you guys understand with it?

i took the answer here:

What Is Communication

"What is communication? Communication involves the sharing of ideas and information. While many people think of communication primarily in oral or written form, communication is in fact so much more. A knowing look or a gentle touch can also communicate a message loud and clear, as can a hard push or an angry slap. So, what is communication -an interaction between two people in which something is exchanged."

The dictionary defines communication as:
  1. the act of transmitting
  2. a giving or exchanging of information, signals, or messages as by talk, gestures, or writing
  3. the information, signals, or message
  4. close, sympathetic relationship
  5. a means of communicating; specif., a system for sending and receiving messages, as by telephone, telegraph, radio, etc.
  6. a system as of routes for moving troops and material
  7. a passage or way for getting from one place to another
  8. the art of expressing ideas, esp. in speech and writing
  9. the science of transmitting information, esp. in symbols
Generally, this dictionary answer to what is communication suggests that there can be several different types of communication.

read more  here 

This involves non-verbal communication, verbal one..

what is non-verbal  ?

what i understand from what we learn together in sem 1, it is more to wordless messages. More to expression, well, language..our language is not only the type of communication here. Our gestures, eye contact, even what we wear is a communication..Non verbal communication is an art..beautiful one.

what is verbal..
its opposite to that isit?
verbal goes to sound, voice and language. sometimes it is much more complicated because in this world, we got so  many language. even if when we listen to it, we realize the tone may kind of for example : sad, angry and so on. well,, we doesnt even know what is the real meaning behind it. Cant really depends on the tone right. 

okay. writing is also .one of the communication.i dont know.and cant define which me please.

em.back to our topic.  

Since communication is important.. (nak tak nak)  We need to improve it. unless,, we want to work or live with something that does not relate to human being. which i cant think of hu hu.. 

how do we improve it?

its kind of hypocrite for me to tell this. ha ha ha.

ok.this is common. people said... join club. be an active person in the box. stand in the middle of the crowd so people will notice you.  BE FRIENDLY.  Read a lot. current news. and ASK. 

communication isnt only for work.its part of life. How we interact with each other. to understand and to be understand. 


for me, i do agree that i am very poor in communication. i dont talk to someone that i dont know .
sometimes i just dont know what to say  even they are someone i know. I love to listen to people but most of the time,  i just cant respond to the story because i got nothing in my mind. BLANK.thats all i got. People who know me will realize that.. or not?

This character of mine is not good for me. for everyone. its stupid.  

sometimes i just wonder. do i really need to get GREAT result because at the end. we know that people only go for skills, i will be reject at the first step . but then, who knows..ha ha ha.. 
yesterday, i had read a blog from a senior. Yes, i do agree with her, Make our parents proud having us as their child..So let it. we can upgrade our skills time to time.. hak300x

p/s : i dont understand this post. do you.?

ignore the grammar mistake or help me by write the right one. hahuheho,.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Topik hari Ini : awak kelas mana?

soalan "kelas mana?" lagi hangat dari "result berapa?" .

haha..hari ni start kuliah walaupun sebenarnya tak sampai setengah jam pun kat dalam OTH02 takdi...
sepatutnya  kelas yang bermula pada pukul 9 tu tamat kul 11 .Tapi, kata ustazah, "saya ada mesyuarat" ..tapi mungkin jugak sebab kelas pertama.taa'ruf sahaja dulu.. kelas pertama, minggu pertama.. something that all of us already expect to be.. taa'ruf week.. means..tak belajar..(eh..belajar. Belajar mengenali.)

Tapi itulah...taa'ruf mengajar kita untuk  mengenali. Mungkin tidak semua. Tapi tetap penting.

dari semalam lagi asyik tanya " awk, awk kelas mana? "..ehm,,,bagi saya ianya hadiah new year yang agak tidak menyeronokkan.. berpisah kelas dengan geng2... sangat tak seronok.. sape suka ..bagitaw saya. mungkin ada yang seronok. mungkin ada yang menganggap ianya suatu yang biasa. mungkin ..
New semester, new family. its gonna be fun ..i hope so. 
after all, kita masih bertemu dalam kuliah. hanya tutorial menjarakkan.. sedikit sahaja insyaAllah..

This Sem.. 

20 kredit hours..they said.."its standard". but i dont know..last sem only 17.. hemm..

Semoga berjaya.


p/s : sekarang agak lapar .