Firstly, let me make it clear for you..
this is a boring long post, without picture, boring texts, annoying words, and on top of it. it got nothing to do with you..
this is a warning, kalo nak baca jugak, mungkin anda akan berhenti separuh jalan, sebab kebosanan yang menggila.. jadi baiklah anda tak baca langsung dari pada mengutuk2 post yang takda faedah ni..[it hurts me.:P] hehehe..
ok, since kamu decided nak baca, teruskan kan lah, and harap2 enjoy,, jangan berhenti sampai habes. TQ.
tak panjang pon ..
this post is written specially to those who want to know. :)
to u whom i had put my promise..
Em, camna nak tulis yer..
Sebenarnya, I intended to write my journey,
The 10 days of my adventure. Haha..
And 5 days of it consists of ‘my camp’
The first 3 days.. was only,
Id called.. Sightseeing.. urr.. not much to tell…
Em, let me start it, back to like.. em… after a few weeks I continued my semester 4,
In Dr Normah class, I received a call, from my dad……………………….
He said that I need to join this camp. Ok shut it, the reader’s doesn’t want to know, [I know, I know..]
Seriously, I don’t wanna go.. at all.
Biar saya pendekkan cerita, lagipun post ni bukan tentang hari2 sebelum 10 hari tu kan.. he3..
Well, I did go.
My first day.
Normal thing, we departed from home since 6 am. And arrive @ my sister’s house around 4 something.
What I like, and never want to forget about that day was about, I got to visit my old college again… [berhenti solat jumaat] although I didn’t get to meet my friends [any of them] at all. I do still remember my feeling that day, it was a joyous yet sad.. yah.. I didn’t quite understand the feeling too.. but that was how I felt back then. .
Second day.
My family, they need to go already..but that day. My sister [acik] invited us to visit MIHAS [she need to do some research regarding halal/haram..].. aiyo, tempat tu sure kecoh.. dorang punya rules sangat la strict tapi terrible, I hafta give my sincere rate, it terribly need to be fixed..
Dalam pukul 12 tengahari … family saya[ yang hantar sy, trmasuk acik..] pun bertolak…pulang..
So, I went back to my sister’s home with my sister of course..
I accompanied my sister. To bukit cerakah..[lawa oh tempat tu..] She got this reunion with her fellow mates from komander …kesatria uitm something… seriously, I didn’t get along with them very well…
Mula2, ingatkan.. semuanya dah umur2 baya kakak..tapi rupanya, ramai jugak umur sama ngan saya.. they treat me very well, well, adik tetamu penting kang..wakakak..
The games, I remembered playing three games, the first two games need me to focus.. and really , im bad @ it, but it was so enjoyable. .
The last game before the lunch… playing with straw, they named it Bluetooth something,… [I rather called it infrared looking at how it works] but that last game sure the most enjoyable[walaupun kalah lagi]
Petang tu, beli henset kat PAS pastu gi sunway pyramid renew number maxis,, kat shah alam takda stok.
the five days of ….
I will write my review in one go, means that, I wont put the day..[sebenarnya lupa.]
Masa ondeway nak pergi register..I do control my emotion, I look calm enough on the outside but no.. inside my head, the images of whatever going to happen had been running so fast, shifting the pictures with one another, it was faster than the car @ F1.. waaah, im so scared.!!
Kat tempat register, dorang bagi baju, saiz L..wuwuuw.. ok lah.. sapa suruh pegi lambat, [sebenarnya sesat, penat kena marah kat kakak.. wuwuwu.. tak reti tengok map, tak cam kanan kiri,, hua3..]
Pandangan saya, memang campur baur, the hostel was fantastic. I rate it 4/5 [sbb econ dia xleh bg slow, sejuk gilerrrrr ..] yang lain was superb. Hostel la..
Tapi first2 daftar, I got this feeling that, it shift, no, It doesn’t look like the tentative at all, which of course, make me scared, I was expecting nothing like this…
Ok, kenal dengan rumate, it was cold first meeting, but then I understand that, that was normal.. I too was cold. [after all, told ya, I don’t like this camp.]
Pastu gi kafe, tengok muka kakak macam risau sangat je nak tinggal adik dia kat sini[ perasan] so, I decided to make friends,[ in front of her, jadi dia xda la risau nanti..]
Saya cakap saya nak pergi kacau orang yang tengah makan .. then, kakak told me this. “Gi lah, semua orang pun baru sampai, tak sempat nak wat geng lagi.”
So, dengan muka tak malunya, saya pun mula la menegur..waaa..malu sebenarnya.. but it sure goes well.. .
….Saya masuk dewan awal 30 minit. Geez, tak taw nak wat apa dah. Kalo balik bilik ambil masa pulak, so I decided to masuk dewan awal2.. huuu.. tiba2 nampak rumate… ajak dia masuk sama.[she’s older by one year, but she insisted not to call her by sis, panggil nama cukup, I don’t like it very much..but as long as she love it, I will call her by name only.]
Hari tu, ada talk je. And of course ice-breaking, the prize sure big, people who got to remember all the members participated in the camp will win RM500 , and no kidding, my roommate there, she won that 5 hundreds..
And malam tu.. lepas isya’ ada ceramah agama[dalam tentative tulis gitu..]..
Ok, enough with all the details, u dont want to knowww.[ i know i know]
what I think about the activities there were that, some of them must be super expensive. Huu, with all the pipes, wheels, cards, golf.. and so on.. and then being discarded. It was a pity.. .ok, only the last day activity, rasanya takda nak guna kos apa-apa.. yang mana kena berdikir-group saya kena berdikir..lagi..huhuhu,, bencinya..tapi oklah, because ada pengalaman.. .
About the food, I have nothing to complain… they fed us enough to kill us[ dah gemok, macam citer Hansel and gretel, bagi2 gemok sbb nak masak dorng.. lalalaal….]it tastes good.. really.
Hadiah bagi setiap pertandingan..semuanya bagi on dat period of time. senang.. takda nak tunggu hari last.. tapi yang last aktiviti,, bukan pertandingan…persembahan je, so , no pressure, no pressure.[ade je sikit]
the socialization, saya rasa ini sangat terbaik, kat sini, saya ingat nama semua orang and saya rasa saya tak kisah nak pergi makan kat meja mana2 pon.. sebab saya rasa saya kenal dorang semua ni [walaupun tak kenal sekenal-kenalnya]
Malasnya nak tulis..
Ok lah stop kat sini je review nya, yag penting, memang takda nak complain apa2 pun, sebab aktiviti memang best dan patutnya tambah lagi hari camp tu..[oh what??] dan satulagi, bila semuanya fully sponsored,, starting from the hostel, food, games, speakers.. what else could we say.. Alhamdulillah, I got chosen. .[err]..minyak nak pergi and balik tu sendirik la kan.. J
Ok, ada orang Tanya saya, apa benda yang saya dapat dari camp tu, azam baru, perubahan baru..bla2..
Yes, aside from getting a lot more friends, saya belajar tentang manusia.
Sangat unik.
Pemikiran manusia, sifat manusia, sangat unik, kadang-kadang kita tak puas hati dengan apa yang dorang buat, macamna dorang treat satu sama lain, macam mana dorang accept sesuatu perkara tu, kita rasa macam nak ubah sorang2 tu,kita risaukan mereka, kita tak suka cara mereka, kenapa la dorang lain sangat dengan kita... ..tapi itulah mereka, sangat unik. People. we are different, yet, the differences doesn’t differs us… try to accept it.
Ok, saya pon ada jugak belajar macam2 melalui games..
Mostly, kena focus lah, and positif..[hehe..] penat lah nak tulis pasal ni..[because, i cant really express my feeling, i love writing but, a little bit tired. eh?] naa, just that, the feeling is way tooo awesome, cant even be expressed through writing alone.
Tapi basically,
Kita rasa, kita tak boleh buat, first call of the games, memang kami buat sambil lewa je, pastu, second, third, kami makin focus, jadi, aim pun sampai.. cuba dan cuba, pastu focus…
hari last camp-friday, tengahari tu, baba dah datang.. ngan acik, ngan ilham.
hari sabtu, kami pergi melaka, sebab.. ilham ada interview, jadi masa tunggu ilham tu , kami jalan2 dulu kat melaka, nak tunggu dia lulus tak stage pertama.
ilham..dia lulus first stage, jadi hari tu jugak kami tinggalkan dia kat kem tu..dan hari ahad, saya ngan baba balik, acik tinggal kat nilai, cuti midsem seminggu dia dah abes..
tapi hari isnin, dia dah ada kat rumah balik, sebab tak lepas kat medical check-up, huuu..takpe, rezeki bukan kat situ lah tu.. :)
p/s : start dari cuti saya, kat unisza tu, saya batuk, sebelum tu, sakit tekak.[series,] sekarang masih lagi batuk, dah masuk 3 minggu lah ni. seksa oh batuk ni, nak tidor malam pon susah, nak kem 5 hari tu pon rasa macam ganggu orang, alhamdulillah tak batuk masa berdikir,,
untuk yang nasihatkan saya suruh makan ubat,
ye dah makan..:)
untuk yang nasihatkan saya jumpa doktor, :)
dah jumpa jugak..ubat tu pun dah abes..
sekarang makan date vinegar jep, sebenarnya, vinegar tu, hilangkan suara saya,, tapi okaylah, dia hilangkan batuk jugak... dah nak ok rasanya,, sebab dah semakin kurang, cuma saya perasan stage batuk dia berbeza2.. haihh.. ok..
p/s 2 : sori post panjang ni takda gambar, nak letak, tapi card reader problem. usb plak tak leh nak masuk, lain size..
p/s 3: if, nak saya tulis details, saya sangat gembira,, tapi saya risau anda malas nak baca, [walaupun ni blog saya, sukati nak tulis apa, tapi .. nevermind..] :)